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Regulatory Disclosure VD

Regulatory Disclosures

Please select relevant financial year to view details in the tables below. You can also download the PDF to view the data.

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Complaints registered with CICs during the year ended March 31, 2024

Please Note:

Complaints registered with CICs:

  1. TAT (Turn Around Time) for resolution of complaints is 30 days as per Credit Information Companies Regulation Act, 2005.
  2. Complaints Data provided in column B and D is updated up to March 31, 2024. However, data is column C and E will be revised by mid-May 2024 for complaints received during March 2024 and closed during April 2024.
  3. For complaints pertaining to issues at CIC end:
    • Most of these complaints pertain to Enquiry section (credit application history of loans & credit cards). These could be because some Consumers are unaware / do not recollect that such credit applications will add an enquiry in their CIR (Credit Information Report).
    • Various consumer education initiatives are carried out which has enabled to reduce these types of complaints in FY 23-24.

Complaints registered with CICs during the year ended March 31, 2024

Financial Year Total number of complaints received by the Credit Information Company (CIC) Complaints pertaining to issues at Credit Institutions (CIs) level Complaints pertaining to issues at CIC end
A = B + D

Total number of complaints received


number of complaints unresolved with TAT


Total number of complaints received


number of complaints unresolved with TAT


2023-24 2,796,261 613,385 43,171 2,182,876 18,217

Complaints registered against the CIs with CICs during the year ended March 31, 2024

Please Note:

    Number of records submitted by the CI during the year (B):

  1. Certain CIs who had submitted data in the previous years may not have data submitted in the subsequent years either due to merger, amalgamation, or termination of Certificate of Registration (COR) by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
  2. The data contains the total number of records ingested into respective repository maintained by TU CIBIL for the reporting cycle month.
  3. Records for the month of March 2024 are not included in column B of the table and will be revised by mid-May 2024.
  4. This information is extracted on April 01, 2024 and any submissions / uploaded post the cut-off date of April 01, 2024 is not considered
SI. No. Name of the CI Number of records submitted by the CI during the year Total number of complaints registered against the CI during the year Complaints as percentage of total records submitted by the CI Number of complaints unresolved within TAT by the CI as on reference date Complaints unresolved within TAT as a percentage of total complaints registered against the CI
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F)
[C as a % of B] [E as a % of C]
Total 6,499,820,432 613,368 43,171

Complaints registered with CICs during the year ended March 31, 2023

Please Note:

Complaints registered with CICs:

  1. TAT (Turn Around Time) for resolution of complaints is 30 days as per Credit Information Companies Regulation Act, 2005.
  2. For complaints pertaining to issues at CIC end:
    • Most of these complaints pertain to Enquiry section (credit application history of loans & credit cards). These could be because some Consumers are unaware / do not recollect that such credit applications will add an enquiry in their CIR (Credit Information Report).
    • Various consumer education initiatives are carried out which has enabled to reduce these types of complaints in FY 23-24.

Complaints registered with CICs during the year ended March 31, 2023

Financial Year Total number of complaints received by the Credit Information Company (CIC) Complaints pertaining to issues at Credit Institutions (CIs) level Complaints pertaining to issues at CIC end
A = B + D

Total number of complaints received


number of complaints unresolved with TAT


Total number of complaints received


number of complaints unresolved with TAT


2022-23 5,541,001 450,056 37,653 5,090,945 15,571

Complaints registered against the CIs with CICs during the year ended March 31, 2023

Please Note:

    Number of records submitted by the CI during the year (B):

  1. Certain CIs who had submitted data in the previous years may not have data submitted in the subsequent years either due to merger, amalgamation, or termination of Certificate of Registration (COR) by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
  2. The data contains the total number of records ingested into respective repository maintained by TU CIBIL for the reporting cycle month.
SI. No. Name of the CI Number of records submitted by the CI during the year Total number of complaints registered against the cI during the year Complaints as percentage of total records submitted by the CI Number of complaints unresolved within TAT by the CI as on reference date Complaints unresolved within TAT as a percentage of total complaints registered against the CI
(B) (A) (C) (D) (E) (F)
[C as a % of B] [E as a % of C]
Total 5,944,046,058 450,056 37653

Complaints registered with CICs during the year ended March 31, 2022

Please Note:

Complaints registered with CICs:

  1. TAT (Turn Around Time) for resolution of complaints is 30 days as per Credit Information Companies Regulation Act, 2005.
  2. For complaints pertaining to issues at CIC end:
    • Most of these complaints pertain to Enquiry section (credit application history of loans & credit cards). These could be because some Consumers are unaware / do not recollect that such credit applications will add an enquiry in their CIR (Credit Information Report).
    • Various consumer education initiatives are carried out which has enabled to reduce these types of complaints in FY 23-24.
Financial Year Total number of complaints received by the Credit Information Company (CIC) Complaints pertaining to issues at Credit Institutions (CIs) level Complaints pertaining to issues at CIC end
A = B + D

Total number of complaints received


number of complaints unresolved with TAT


Total number of complaints received


number of complaints unresolved with TAT


2021-22 3,265,009 278,504 40,709 2,986,505 178,424

Complaints registered against the CIs with CICs during the year ended March 31, 2022

Please Note:

    Number of records submitted by the CI during the year (B):

  1. Certain CIs who had submitted data in the previous years may not have data submitted in the subsequent years either due to merger, amalgamation, or termination of Certificate of Registration (COR) by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
  2. The data contains the total number of records ingested into respective repository maintained by TU CIBIL for the reporting cycle month.
SI. No. Name of the CI Number of records submitted by the CI during the year Total number of complaints registered against the CI during the year Complaints as percentage of total records submitted by the CI Number of complaints unresolved within TAT by the CI as on reference date Complaints unresolved within TAT as a percentage of total complaints registered against the CI
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F)
[C as a % of B] [E as a % of C]
Total 4,990,174,817 278,504 40,709